There are traditionally three levels of CGS.
Level 1 - Active
Friday 9-11 AM
October - June
Ages 3-6
Necessary for Levels 2-3
Level 2 - In development
Ages 6-9
Offers Preparation for:
First Communion
Level 3 - In development
Ages 9-12
Offers Preparation for:
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a distinct approach to catechesis, through which the youngest children build deep, lifelong relationships with Christ and His Church.
Originating in Rome in the 1950s, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd uses a rich Montessori approach to engage children as young as 2 1/2 in age-appropriate, hands-on materials, based on Sacred Scripture and the Liturgy. Created over 60+ years of trial and error experimentation all over the world, this program has been fine-tuned to meet the child at their level.
Because it engages children so profoundly, it has become the best approach to young children's catechesis in a growing number of dioceses, parishes and schools around the U.S and the world, including here in the Diocese of Sacramento.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Greater Sacramento is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that supports CGS in parishes and schools in the diocese. It also offers catechesis to children up to age 12 through affiliation with the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. We typically have families from over 20 different parishes in five counties enrolled. Although CGS Greater Sacramento is not a diocesan agency, its board members and catechists pledge fidelity to the Magisterium and to the Bishop of Sacramento.
It is the position of CGS that catechesis is a family experience. Because this program may be very different from previous education experiences, We encourage parents to be a part of this process. While it is meant for small kids, it is incredibly devotional and affirming even for adults.
For this reason, we encourage parents to consider observing in the atrium.
Observation will allow you to see how the program works, why it is different, and give
you an opportunity to see the materials. It is also a great introduction into helping in the atrium as a Catechist’s assistant. We need additional help in the atrium, and we can give you some brief training on how you can benefit the kids most in atrium. Older kids and teens can be a part of this process in this way as well.
Level 1 Enrollment