Who We Are The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. No work of charity is foreign to the Society. To quote our patron, St. Vincent de Paul, “Charity is infinitely inventive.”
How Can You Support this Ministry Every time you attend a St. Vincent de Paul Bunko Party or donate food to the parish pantry or give a special donation to charity or drop something in the 5th Sunday collection, you are helping our Ministry, you become present with us as we visit the home of families living on the fringes of God’s abundance.
Become a Member of the SVDP Team Please consider joining this ministry and come along for those rewarding personal contacts with our neighbors in need of our love! We guarantee this work will do more for you than you will do for it.
Come to our Meeting! Third Tuesday of each month at 5pm.