“Christian Stewardship begins with a sense of who we are as disciples of the Lord Jesus.
A good steward recognizes that all blessings come from the Lord and these blessings are to be used to serve (not only oneself) but all of God’s children. Our loving God created us in His image with the potential – and expectation – to share our gifts with the world around us. My hope is to grow stewardship as a way of living within our homes, our parishes and throughout the twenty counties of the Diocese of Sacramento. May the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary help us all to respond with joy to the Lord’s invitation.” – Bishop Jaime Soto, Diocese of Sacramento
The Stewardship Committee hopes to encourage parishioners to share their God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure in service and support to the church and in gratitude to God’s goodness in their lives.
For more information, please contact our Parish Office